Eventually you’ll need to replace the mowing line, cutting head or blade on your grass trimmer or brush cutter. Our guide and videos tell you exactly how.
Switch the grass trimmer or brush cutter off. If using a petrol tool, remove the spark plug. If using a cordless trimmer, remove the battery or disconnect the connecting cable.
Please check that the correct deflector approved for the blade and grass trimmer is fitted. Hold the grass trimmer upside down.
Insert a lock pin or Allen key into the hole in the gearbox. Turn the shaft until the lock pin clicks into place and the shaft is locked.
Turn the nuts clockwise to loosen them. Then pull the blade and fastening components from the gearbox without removing the thrust plate. You can now replace it with a new one.
Fit the replacement part onto the thrust plate; the thrust plate collar must fit into the bore of the metal cutting tool.
Fit the thrust washer and rider plate onto the shaft.
Tighten the nut by turning anti-clockwise using a combination socket tool. Replace any nuts with stripped threads. Now remove the tool that is locking the shaft.
Switch the trimmer off. If using a petrol tool, remove the spark plug. If using a cordless trimmer, remove the battery or disconnect the connecting cable.
Please check that the deflector is approved for the grass trimmer. Hold the grass trimmer so the spool faces upwards.
Insert a lock pin or Allen key into the hole in the gearbox. Turn the shaft until the lock pin clicks into place and the shaft is locked.
Turn the grass trimmer head clockwise to loosen and remove it.
Turn the new wire head anti-clockwise until it latches onto the shaft.
Tighten the wire head while the shaft is locked. Now remove the tool that is locking the shaft.
Different cutting tools need different processes. Check that the approved deflector for the STIHL replacement trimmer head head is fitted. The correct deflector and mounting can be found in the operating instructions. The videos below show how to replace the blade as well as replacing line in a number of our trimmer heads.
The following links open Youtube videos:
How To Fit Blades On a STIHL Brushcutter
How To Reload The Line On An AutoCut 2-2 Mowing Head
How To Reload The Line On An AutoCut C 3-2 Mowing Head
How To Reload The Line On An AutoCut C 4-2 Mowing Head
How To Reload The Line On An AutoCut C 5-2 Mowing Head
How To Reload The Line On An AutoCut C 6-2 Mowing Head